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This book is a comprehensive guide on the Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 AI language model, covering its significance, capabilities, and application in creating innovative NLP Products. It explores imaginative methods of utilizing this tool for your specific needs and showcases successful businesses that have been established through its use. The book also examines the impact of GPT-3 on emerging creator economy and trends like no-code & AGI.

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Learn how to create spectacular designs and enhance your everyday photos with this complete Adobe Photoshop Course. Discover the benefits of working with layers and masks, and painting with brushes that you can easily control. Whether you're new to Photoshop or looking to improve your skills, this course will teach you the main concepts and features you'll need to master the program.

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Discover the health benefits of 50 common houseplants with detailed care instructions and beautiful illustrations. Learn how houseplants can purify the air, reduce stress, and improve sleep. This A-to-Z guide is perfect for anyone looking to add life, color, and texture to their indoor space.

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Discover the best and most unique Mediterranean recipes in this cookbook from BookSumo Press. With a focus on simplicity, you'll find easy-to-follow recipes for dishes like Vegan Lentil Meatball, Nutty Turkish Sweets, and Eggplant Boats. Join us on an adventure of simple cooking with amazing tastes.

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Большинство занятий английским не дают ожидаемого результата. Дети запоминают несколько слов и фраз, но это не имеет ничего общего с владением языком. Аналогично, если ребёнок учится фигурному катанию, но не катается на коньках, то результат не будет удовлетворительным.

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Большинство занятий английским для детей не дают ожидаемого результата. Дети запоминают несколько слов и фраз, но это не имеет ничего общего с владением языком. Аналогия с фигурным катанием: если ребенок учится надевать коньки и рисовать их на бумаге, это не значит, что он умеет кататься на них. Родители должны выбирать занятия, которые действительно помогут развивать навыки владения языком.

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This workbook is designed to help intermediate level and above students improve their English vocabulary for the TOEFL exam. It covers general and topic-specific vocabulary and includes a variety of exercises. The book is easy to use and comes with a comprehensive answer key, making it ideal for self-study or classroom use.

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